Accessing your medical details

Your medical details hold information about you and your medical history. Your medical details have your GP record, which includes information like any conditions or allergies you have and any medicine you’re taking.

They will also include records from any other NHS service you use, like the hospital, dentist or opticians, and will include letters, test results and appointment notes.

How to get your medical details

You can access your medical details with your NHS number on the NHS website. You can also request them from the surgery. Contact us to get your details.

If you are accessing medical details on behalf of someone else, then you’ll need to be nominated as someone they can trust to access them too.

The practice is registered and complies with the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018). Any request for access to notes by a patient, patient’s representative or outside body will be dealt with in accordance with the Act.

Who Can Request Access

The Patient: Can request access to their own health record.

Children Over 16 Years: Can request access to their own health record or can authorise someone to look at them on their behalf.

Children Under 16 Years: Someone with parental responsibility can request access but if the doctor feels that they are ‘Gillick competent’ (mature enough to make informed decisions) the child will first be asked for their consent; in these circumstances they can also look at their record themselves.

Patient Representatives: Anyone who the patient has given written consent to.

Court Representatives: Anyone appointed by the court to manage the affairs of a patient who can no longer do this for themselves.

Deceased Patients: Anyone who is the patient’s personal representative or who may have a claim arising out of the patient’s death.

How To Request Access

Complete the form : All requests must be made in writing on the Application for Access to Medical Records form available from Reception.

Timeframe : When we receive your request we will review your health record and consider whether there are any reasons to refuse you access; these are very unlikely and you would be told the reason why. We would then ensure we had consent (where appropriate) and make a time for you to come in and sit with an administrator to review your computer and paper records. This will normally be within 28 days.

The Appointment

When you arrive you will need to bring with you a form of photo ID, this is to ensure that we are not sharing your record with anyone who does not have permission.

When you arrive we will sit with you in a quiet and private area and show you your paper and computer record.

If you have any questions the administrator will endeavour to answer them for you or will keep notes to clarify with an appropriate doctor or nurse.

If you need any copies of your paper records these can be given to you free of charge for the first request, further copies will be charged at a charge of 45p per sheet up to a maximum charge of £50.

You will not be able to make any entries or changes to your paper or computer record; you will not be able to remove any sections of your paper record.

Changes To Your Health Record

If you feel that information in your health record is incorrect you should first discuss this with your GP.

Further Information

Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF Tel: 0303 123 1113

Get the NHS App

You can use the NHS App to get your GP record and medical details.