Medical services and clinics
Below are the services and clinics available in your area.
Child Health Clinics are changing
The Health Visiting Service is changing its clinics to provide better support to parents.
The Health Hubs offer support on topics such as accident prevention, basic child first aid, advice on weaning, fussy eating, feeding choices, oral health and tooth brushing, smoking cessation, play and promoting mental well-being.
Why are we doing this?
National research has proven that weighing babies does not improve a baby’s health and takes up a large amount of resource. Our health visitors are currently spending a large proportion of their time weighing healthy babies and not supporting parents with their child’s overall health.
The new clinics will be weighing a baby where there are no feeding concerns or a medical need at 8,12, 16 weeks and then at healthy child programme contacts 12 months and 2-2.5yrs which follows national guidelines on when a baby needs to be weighed. Any parents concerned with their baby’s weight can still come to the new clinics and discuss their concerns with the health visitors.
We have also listened to feedback about small, crowded venues and have moved to three larger more central venues which have better parking and better facilities for both children and parents.
What are the benefits of this change?
- More opportunity for health visitors to help parents with baby health, diet and nutrition, sleep, behaviour and coping with minor illness
- Better facilities with more parking
- Better support for parents across a wider range of subjects
Where and when are the Health Hub’s? From 1st February 2018
Broadgreen Community Centre
Salisbury St Swindon SN1 2AN
(please note parking is limited at this site)
1st Tuesday of every month – 12:30-14:30
3rd Wednesday of every month – 10:00-12:00
Hayden Wick Sports Centre
Thames Ave, Haydon Wick, Swindon SN25 1QQ
4th Monday of every month – 13.15-15.15 (on bank holidays this will revert to the Tuesday)
The Meadow
Leigh Rd Penhill SN2 5DE
2nd Friday of every month – 10:00-12:00
How can I find out more or give feedback on these changes?
If you would like to discuss these changes or give feedback please attend our parent session
10:30 – 12:30 Monday 15 January
The Meadow, Leigh Rd, Penhill, SN2 5DE
Or email us at or clinic feedback email:
Swindon children’s health clinic at Moredon Medical Centre and Swindon NHS Health Centre
A new children’s health clinic is available for parents, guardians and carers of children under the age of 18 years old who want access to advice and guidance from a specialist children’s nurse.
The service is open from 8am-8pm Monday to Friday so that parents, guardians and carers,are able to get seek immediate health advice when you need it most.
The new service will diagnose common childhood conditions, and prescribe the necessary medicines where appropriate. Saving parents an unnecessary trip to the emergency department of Great Western Hospital, which should be used for emergencies only.
For an appointment call tel: 0300 111 0088.
Antenatal Clinic
Wroughton Health Centre
Wednesday 9.30am to 4.30pm Thursday 9.30am to 4.30pm
The midwife is contactable on Swindon 604814 any morning between 9.00-9.45am. This service is by appointment only
We currently have two physiotherapists who run four NHS sessions a week at Wroughton Health Centre. To see the physiotherapist you can complete and sign a self referral form. If you are under 18 and need to see a physiotherapist, please make an appointment with your GP. This form cannot be completed if you are under 18. FORM DATABASE
Most of us have times when we feel stressed, anxious and unable to cope. Talking to a counsellor may help clarify the situation and improve coping skills. It provides an opportunity for feelings to be expressed, accepted and understood. Referrals are via the GPs or other member of the Primary Health Care Team. Our counsellors hold their own weekly clinics at Wroughton Health Centre. Patients can also obtain information about relevant self help groups and courses which may be beneficial to them.
School Health Nurse
The school health nurse aims to achieve the optimum health of a school child through partnership with parents and schools. Her role includes health assessments, access of care to other agencies, health promotion and support to teachers for the health education programme, with the National Curriculum.
The school health nurse works with all members of the Primary Health Care Team and has special links with the health visitors. She can be contacted at any time if a parent or teacher has any concern about a school child. The school health nurse is based at West Swindon Health Centre and can be contacted on Swindon 877233 or alternatively on 758753 and leaving a voicemail message.
Child Immunisation
We strongly recommend that all children and babies are immunised against Meningitis C, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, mumps, measles, rubella, haemophilus influenzae (HIB) and whooping cough. If you have any questions regarding immunisations talk to your health visitor.
Adult Immunisation
It is very important to protect every woman against German measles (Rubella) to avoid the tragic consequences of acquiring it in pregnancy. Before starting a family a blood test can be taken to ascertain whether you are immune or not. Adults should also ensure they are fully vaccinated against tetanus and diphtheria. It is now recommended that 5 tetanus immunisations in a lifetime is sufficient to provide full protection.
Winter Vaccinations
The Department of Health strongly recommend that all those aged 65 and over and younger people in certain at risk groups, should be vaccinated against pneumococcus and influenza. The at risk patient groups include: aged 65 and over, asthma/chronic bronchitis, heart problems, diabetes, kidney disease and immunosuppression. Pneumococcal vaccination is available all year round. Influenza vaccination is required annually and is available from October each year. Please ask at reception for an appointment with the practice nurse.
Cervical Screening
The aim of the cervical screening programme at Ridgeway View Family Practice is to minimise the risk of invasive cancer of the cervix. All women registered with the practice aged between 25 and 49 will screened every 3 years and those aged 50-64 will be screened every 5 years. Wiltshire Shared Services Consortium operates a computer recall system by sending standard letters which we strongly advise you to follow.
Family Planning
We offer advice and expertise on all methods of contraception.
Preconceptual Advice
If considering starting a family, women should ensure their diet is well balanced and healthy. The Department of Health recommends that all women planning a pregnancy should consume additional Folic Acid prior to conception and during the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. This can be by eating folate rich foods (a list of foods can be obtained on request) and by taking a daily dietary supplement of 0.4mg of Folic Acid. This has been shown to reduce the occurrence of neural tube defects, such as spina bifida.
It is very important to stop smoking and to reduce alcohol intake to no more than one unit per day before conceiving. This advice applies as much to male partners, whose general health at conception will also influence the pregnancy. Lastly , women should check their rubella immunity by a simple blood test. Please discuss any preconceptual health issues with your GP or practice nurse.
Hypertension Clinic
This clinic is run by our practice nurses. It allows time for an in-depth discussion regarding high blood pressure treatment and its associated problems. Patients are encouraged to attend on a regular basis.
Coronary Heart Disease Clinic
Patients who have experienced heart problems in the past will be invited to a nurse-led coronary heart disease clinic who will monitor and manage their care. There is evidence that regular follow-up of patients with a heart condition can improve health and well-being. Patients will be referred to their GP when appropriate.
Asthma Clinic
To improve the quality of life, asthma patients should be monitored on a regular basis. The clinic gives patients the opportunity to learn about their condition and become more involved in their own management. Asthmatics of all ages are encouraged to attend regularly.
Diabetic Clinic
This clinic provides diabetics with regular monitoring of their disease plus knowledge and support that enables them to lead a full and healthy life. Twenty minutes is spent with our practice nurse and when required a consultation with a GP will be arranged. Diabetics will be seen at regular intervals in between their annual clinic visit by their own GP.
Minor Operations
These are performed in ordinary surgery times by some of our doctors. Dr Crossley holds a monthly wart clinic at Wroughton Health Centre.